

携手世界,共创未来:山东鲁西兽药股份有限公司亮相阿联酋阿布扎比中东国际集约化畜牧展览会(VIV MEA 2023

Together with the world, we create the futureShandong Luxi Animal Medicine Share Co., Ltd. at Abu Dhabi VIV MEA (VIV MEA 2023), UAE

两年一届的阿联酋阿布扎比中东国际集约化畜牧展览会VIV MEA)于2023年11月20日至22日在阿联酋阿布扎比国家展览中心隆重举行。此次展览会也是中东畜牧行业范围内的一次规模空前的畜牧盛会,它是促进全球集约化畜牧行业发展的有力桥梁,也是行内人士进行深入交流的良好时机。

The biennial Abu Dhabi VIV MEA (VIV MEA) was held from 20 to 22 November 2023 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The exhibition is also an unprecedented livestock event within the scope of the Middle East livestock industry, which is a powerful bridge to promote the development of the global intensive livestock industry, but also a good time for in-depth exchange of ideas between the industry.

据报道,本届展会展览面积共25000平方米,吸引了来自中国、韩国、美国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯等国的1100多家企业及品牌参展,13471多专业观众观展。VIV MEA 2023再次点燃了全球畜牧人的热情,大家相聚中东,相互交流,为全球的集约化畜牧业发展创造了有利条件。

According to report, the exhibition area of this year's show totalled 25,000 square metres, attracting more than 1,100 exhibitors and brands from China, South Korea, the United States, Australia, Russia and other countries, and more than 13,471 professional visitors to the exhibition.VIV MEA 2023 once again ignited the enthusiasm of global livestock farmers, who met in the Middle East and exchanged ideas with each other, creating favourable conditions for the development of the global intensive animal husbandry industry.



The team of Shandong Luxi Animal Medicine International Business Department warmly received new and old customers from Asian countries as well as Europe, and discussed with them on the industrial development expectation and business cooperation.


展会期间,鲁西现有的养殖场所灭蝇蛆系列产品:环丙氨嗪、噻虫嗪、甲基吡啶磷等产品,新复方灭蝇蛆产品-环丙氨嗪 & 呋虫胺可溶性颗粒/粉剂,都获得了很多新老客户的浓厚的兴趣,客户们同时也充分肯定了鲁西在产品研发优化方面的强大实力。其中,许多新老客户对优化后的噻虫嗪1% WP很感兴趣,公司携带的样品,全部被客户带回去试用,感受其灭蝇引诱效果。噻虫嗪主要对成蝇有效,可与杀蛆虫剂同时或交替使用,相互补充,获得更好的防蝇灭蝇效果。



During the exhibition, Luxi's existing fly maggot control products for farms: Cyromazine, Thiamethoxam, Azamethiphos, etc., and the new compound fly maggot control product - Cyromazine & Dinotefuran soluble granules/powder, gained a lot of new and old customers' interests, and the customers fully affirmed Luxi's strong ability in product research and development and optimisation. Among them, many new and old customers were very interested in the optimised Thiamethoxam 1% WP, and all the samples carried by the company were taken away by the customers for trial to feel its fly-control and luring effect. Thiamethoxam is mainly effective for adult flies, and can be used simultaneously or alternately with maggot killer to complement each other and get better fly prevention and extermination effect.


The company's parasiticide products and anticoccidial products have also gained customers' attention and recognition respectively. Especially the company's optimised and upgraded red mite control product - Fenvalerate Solution 20%, which solves the pain points and difficult problems of farms and farmers, harvested a large number of inquiries and demand for co-operation and purchase.


The exhibition not only allowed more foreign customers to contact and get to know Luxi, but also enhanced the product awareness and brand influence of Luxi Animal Medicine, which laid a solid foundation for Luxi to go further into the world.


The core concept of Luxi is to provide farmers with better quality products and more efficient breeding solutions. In the future, let's work together for development and make a new chapter.